The Contempo

The contempo typeface was inspired by my modern-contemporary dance practice, including Horton, Limon, and Cunningham techniques. I categorize the alphabets into 3 groups based on the basic structure of the letterforms: vertical and horizontal stroke, circular, semi-circular, and diagonal. Next, I matched these letters with the qualities of movement of each dance technique.

Horton technique focuses on define shapes and the expansion of the body’s full length. Thus, it appear to be the most structural but dynamic form.
Cunningham technique emphasizes on sustained movement with a strong sense of spine. So, there is expansion from different direction with a strong core of centered gravity.
Limon embraces the gravity generated by the breath and gravity of body in opposed to the earth gravity. There are a lot of sweeping gestures, rising, falling, which make Limon seen more expressive than the other two techniques.

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Chronicle Script


Canon Opus no.1